Self-Care & Nourishment After a Family Constellation

After a constellation where deep healing and transformation can happen, there are many ways to support your highest healing, continued integration, and nourishment:

  • Take a shower or bath afterward to cleanse.
  • Change your clothes and wash them.
  • Drink warm liquids and have warm nourishing foods. Enjoy essential oils or aromas.
  • Rest, meditate, and/or do something calming and enjoyable.
  • Light a candle.
  • Unplug from social media and other external input.
  • Talk as little as possible in the first half hour after your constellation.
  • Give yourself all the time and space you need to integrate your insights and experience.
  • Avoid analyzing and questions out of curiosity of others around how things went or why. This can serve to disrupt the process and distract.
  • Release the need to ponder or analyze. Let your soul continue the transformation.
  • You can recollect the images and body sensations in the present moment. This will allow a continuation of internal processing and integration. Your constellation experience continues to evolve over months or a year(s).
  • Refrain from drinking alcohol or using drugs except for your regular medications and supplements.
  • Keep your attention and energy inward as much as possible.
  • Reach out to Candice or others debrief or get support.
  • Understand that the amount time to integrate varies from person to person. Some people feel direct changes and some people experience a worsening of symptoms as your system may be recalibrating on a fundamental level.
  • Schedule an individual session with Candice for support for what continues to move through, or your next constellation.