A{Live} Now: Gaining Weight & Body Love — EP163

I’m focused on gaining weight and finding food I love right now! Find out why in this Episode along with the challenges, loving my body, and healing adventures stemming from mystery bodily messages.

Loving Your Gut & Food Attachment – EP26

In this podcast I share my recent travel challenges with food, the legacy of food in my ancestry, how to clear out beliefs around food and nourishment, with guided healing meditations to work through cravings, look at your ancestry’s food story, and have a healthy relationship with your gut.

a{Live} now: The Consequence of What Goes Unspoken – EP19

What is unspoken, undone, and unacknowledged – what needs to be expressed and doesn’t get air time – goes back in and rots inside of us. Learn about ways you can shift and use your expression to have a healthier body and how the language of Sanskrit connects with this song.

My Story of Food as Medicine

About 8 years ago my overall cholesterol was 423. I didn’t even know that cholesterol could go that high. At the time, I was having heart palpitations, numbness up and down my right side, major headaches every single day, exhaustion, moodiness, and horrible sleep. Despite seeing many doctors and nutritionists and after trying a multitude of different nutritional regimens, elimination diets, … Read More