A Little Shift Makes a Ripple — EP193

If you’d like something to change, change something! Adjust, Shift, take a different turn… One shift opens many possibilities, a new set of configurations. Me thoughts on this and life recently: groundhogs, bees and hives, music and more.

A{Live} Now: Lessons from Illness and Emergence — EP188

I felt like I was falling apart, breaking apart. I was becoming more in line with who I am… but things had to die. Listen in on the lessons from my life concoction of spiritual transition and getting covid 19 at the same time. Catch in on some of the ways that I supported myself through it.

Honor the Mothers & The Expansion That Created Your Foundation — EP184

Join me in this episode to honor the mothers and women of your ancestral lines along with a discussion around how to handle parts of our lineage we reject. The ways of being that may be limitations for us might have been expansion for previous generations. Turn rejection into resource and shift into your own uncharted expansion!

You Are Pleasure — Worthy And Your Pleasure Lifts Others — EP141

You are sooo worthy of pleasure! In every area of your life. Pleasure can be tangled up with so much – our worthiness, betrayal of others if we have pleasure, whether we are selfish or self-centered, responsibility, and indulgence. In this episode, I talk about all this including how being in YOUR pleasure brings more to yourself and others.